The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Fund of Southwest Iowa Fund was created to enhance the reach and capacity of our nonprofit service providers around their ability to educate the public, provide preventative solutions, and internal training to increase the capacity and ability of the providers.


The Southwest Iowa Mental Health and Substance Abuse Fund application is open June 15 through July 15.

Grants ranging from $500 to $2,500 per organization are available for projects in one (or more) of the following three focus areas: Education; Raising Awareness; and Providing Learning and Development Opportunities for area service providers.


With mental health, drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, teen suicide, isolation and stigma all at the forefront of community conversations, there is a need for solutions that create lasting and durable positive impact.

How are we, as a community, focusing on the families and individuals affected by mental health and substance abuse issues? How can we amplify the work of our service providers in a way that increases their internal capacity for service to the needs of our community while addressing issues of stigma and access to services? 


The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Fund of Southwest Iowa is designed to increase and effectively manage available pools of funding to create long-term, sustainable and quantifiable positive impact through three focus areas: education; raising awareness; and providing learning and development opportunities for area service providers. The fund will serve the following counties in Iowa: Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, and Shelby.