Legacy of Lifelong Pottawattamie County Resident Provides Scholarships for Iowa State University Students in Agriculture and Life Sciences

In partnership with Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Southwest Iowa Educational Foundation (SWIEF), students -- with preference given to Mills, Montgomery, and Pottawattamie County resident -- will receive scholarships to Iowa State University to purse careers in farming, agricultural endeavors, veterinary science, or other farm-related businesses.

Green Scholarship Impact_Jan 2024.pdf

fund history

June 25th, 2020 | Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

AMES, Iowa – An Iowa Century Farm donated by a lifelong Pottawattamie County resident, Barbara J. Green, to the Community Foundation for Western Iowa, formerly Pottawattamie County Community Foundation, will provide annual scholarships for students enrolled in the Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

“This is an amazing gift and one that will encourage and assist students who want to pursue a career in agriculture and attend Iowa State University for years to come,” said Daniel J. Robison, holder of the Endowed Dean’s Chair in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 

The Barbara J. Green Century Farm, which is valued at $5.9 million, will provide approximately $75,000 to $100,000 annually for scholarship support to students pursuing majors in agriculture with a preference for southwest Iowa high school students in Pottawattamie, Mills and Montgomery counties. Students who qualify will pursue careers in farming, agricultural endeavors, veterinary school or other farm-related businesses.

The Community Foundation for Western Iowa will be in charge of the land in perpetuity. Green’s intent was for the land to continue to be farmed and used for agricultural purposes. Annual farm proceeds will be provided to the Iowa State University Foundation as scholarship support for students attending the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and studying agriculture.

Although she did not attend Iowa State, Green had a deep affinity for the university and for farming.

“Barb spent her entire life around agriculture and animals,” said Eric Hamilton, executor of the Barbara J. Green Estate. “She was proud of her cats and was an avid member of the quarter horse community. Most of all, she was honored that her family’s farm was recognized as a Century Farm in the state of Iowa. As a lifelong resident of Pottawattamie County, she wanted to make sure her family’s legacy and farm would live on long after her death. The endowment of her farm to Pottawattamie County Community Foundation to be used for scholarships at Iowa State in the agriculture and veterinary fields will forever be a reminder of her generosity and caring for this community.”

Hamilton said Green had fond memories of growing up on the farm, which had been in her family for more than 100 years. The farm was purchased by her great-grandparents, Charles and Julie Green, who bought 250 acres south of Council Bluffs in 1874 after moving from Germany. Her grandparents, Henry and Caroline, continued operating the farm until their son, Gustave, took over. Gustave built a large dairy barn and expanded it into a large Holstein operation. Over the years, the family purchased surrounding land for a total of 900 acres.

When Barbara Green passed away in February 2019, she left the farm to the Community Foundation for Western Iowa as a way to honor her family’s legacy in southwest Iowa.

“The generous legacy that Barb has created through her support of education is truly an inspiration,” said Donna Dostal, president and CEO of the Community Foundation for Western Iowa. “This amazing gift illustrates her love for the land and commitment to the future of farming in our great state.” 

Green’s donation supports the Community Foundation’s partnership with rural and urban citizens to improve the lives of residents. 

The Community Foundation partnered with the Iowa State University Foundation to honor the Green Family legacy through Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences scholarships. The Iowa State University Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization committed to securing and managing gifts that benefit Iowa State University.



Donna Dostal
President and CEO, Community Foundation for Western Iowa

Barb McBreen
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Communications Service, Iowa State University